About Us

Moorcar started in Ashburton, Devon on the southern edge of Dartmoor in 2002 with one lease car and six members.

The Moorcar Co-op submits full accounts to the Financial Conduct Authority and the Industrial and Provident Society.

If you would like to know more about Moorcar please call ‭07866 361111‬.



Frequently Asked Questions

List of FAQs

Can anyone join?

Anyone with a valid licence can join Moorcar except:

- You can not have been convicted for a serious driving offence.

- You need to have a full driver's licence with a maximum endorsement of 6 points.

Can I try out the scheme for a short time?

We charge a one-off £25 joining fee.  There is no annual membership fee, just the charges for hours used and mileage driven.

In effect this can be very affordable insurance if your current vehicle is older or unreliable.

Can I use it straight away?

Yes, if the website shows the car is free then it can be booked and used immediately.  You can also book the car up to 6 months in advance.

How do I book the car?

Booking is done through the Moorcar website which shows the availability of the car, we'll show you how when you sign up.  It is really easy and takes less than a minute.

How do I contact Moorcar if I have a problem?

Please call us on 07866 361111 during normal working hours. We will do our best to find the best solution.  Alternatively email us at [email protected].

How is my mileage recorded?

Your mileage is recorded on the tripsheet and collated by Moorcar.  You can view your account of completed journeys and bookings over the internet at any time.  All the cost are broken down and displayed in an easy convenient way.

How will I be charged for use of the car?

Every month you will be sent a statement for you to make a payment by BACS.

How will I unlock the car?

A keysafe is situated near the cars. By entering a five-figure code you will retrieve the keys.

Is there a membership fee?

No, currently there is not.

What happens if I am going to be back later than the time booked?

Please try to ensure the car is returned within the reservation period.  If you are going to be late, please first send a message on the Whatsapp group in case there is someone booked in straight after you.  If this isnt possible, call Moorcar and we will try to notify the next user to minimise inconvenience and if necessary make alternative arrangements.  

What about congestion charges, fines or tolls etc?

You will be responsible for the payment of all additional charges incurred whilst using the car.  For example, parking tickets, speeding fines, fines for using the bus lane, congestion zone charges, parking costs, road tolls. ;

What about insurance?

You will have fully comprehensive insurance, but there will be an excess of £250 in the event of an accident. All the cars have roadside recovery and return to base breakdown cover.

Please notify Moorcar if your circumstances change, for example receiving points on your licence or being involved in an accident.

What does the membership fee include?

There is currently no membership fee.

What happens if I have an accident?

If an accident does happen, report the accident to us and we will arrange for all the repairs and insurance issues to be resolved.  If the accident is your fault then you will need to pay the excess charge to Moorcar.  We aim to ensure that in the event of an accident there is minimal disruption to the member and service.

What if I notice the car is damaged before I set off on my journey?

Please check the car for damage before you set off and if you notice any, please report it to Moorcar using the mobile number and complete the damage incident form in the tripsheet folder. ;

What if the car isn't available when I need it?

The experience of Moorcar is that there will always be a car  available when you need it.  This is because essential journeys tend to be booked in advance or have some flexibility on when they are made.  

What will this have saved me?

Using the car 7.5 hours a week on average will save approximately £1,500 a year on the cost of a reasonable second car - and you won't have had all the hassle of cleaning, taxing, insuring and maintaining the car!

Where will the car be parked?

The Moorcar website shows all the locations of the cars using Google maps.

Who will fill the car with fuel?

You will normally find the car already fueled, if not use the fuel card provided.  Please place the VAT receipt in the in-car tripsheet folder.  Please leave the car with at least a quarter of a tank of fuel when you have finished using it.

Will I have to use my own childrens' car seats?

Currently you will, but we aim to be able to provide seats in the future.

Will the car be clean?

Yes. We ask all members to ensure that the car is left clean and tidy at the end of each journey.  Moorcar will fully clean the car once a month to ensure standards are maintained.  If you discover the car is messy before your journey, please advise us using the Moorcar mobile number.

Wow, this sounds like a really good idea. What do I do now?

Once you have completed the online registration form and shared your driving licence and driving history with us you are ready to drive.  We just need to show you how to use the key safe, and to use the car.